Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Do you offer what you ask for?

Do you share your Love, Affection, Friendship, Respect, Understanding, 
Hospitality, Joy, Compassion and your Time with others?

Give happiness and you will receive happiness. 
Give peace and you will feel peaceful. 
If you give sorrow - you will get sorrow in return. 
Therefore - Create thoughts, words and actions that give only peace and happiness. 
The world is already filled with worry and sorrow. 
Do something different.


  1. Dhan Nirankar ji Rajan ji,
    This question has really jolted me more now then ever and my
    answer if I can be honest, is NO - I don't offer the same.
    I would love to see this question from time to time,
    hopefully to make a difference in my day to day life.
    Many thanks,
    P. M

  2. First of all - it's a very brave thing to do - for anyone- not simply reading or listening
    to the messages but to go inside one's own self and do a 'self-analysis' - honestly and objectively.
    Secondly, as I have occasionally mentioned in my blogs - my writings are basically for myself ..
    ... To remind myself what I should and should not be doing.
    It’s great if others can also benefit from these writings – but my intention
    (most of the time anyway) is to address myself – for my own improvement.
    So, please keep me in your prayers as well.


हज़ारों ख़ामियां मुझ में हैं - मुझको माफ़ कीजिए

हज़ारों ख़ामियां मुझ में  हैं   मुझको माफ़ कीजिए मगर हुज़ूर - अपने चश्मे को भी साफ़ कीजिए  मिलेगा क्या बहस-मुबाहिसों में रंज के सिवा बिला वजहा न ...