Thursday, October 17, 2024

If you are on the wrong train अगर आप गलत ट्रेन में चढ़ गए हैं

If you think you are on the wrong train, 
              get off at the nearest station 

The longer it takes you to get off  --- 
             more expensive and longer the return trip will be. 

अगर आप को लगे कि आप गलत ट्रेन में चढ़ गए हैं, 
             तो जल्दी ही उतरने की कोशिश करें।
उतरने में जितनी देर लगाएंगे --- 
            वापसी की यात्रा उतनी ही महंगी और लंबी हो जाएगी 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A calm mind is the main ingredient of Success

A calm mind is the main ingredient of success
                 From The Times of India 
                        October 15, 2024 
-By Jaya Row

When Mark Zuckerberg asked Steve Jobs what he should do to become successful, he was stunned at the answer. 
Steve Jobs told him to go to an ashram in India! 
What does an ashram provide that a business school doesn’t?

The Bhagwad Gita speaks of serenity of mind as the main ingredient of success. 
When the mind is calm, intellect is sharp, and action is brilliant. However intelligent or talented you may be, if the mind is agitated, intellect cannot think properly, and action is flawed. No business school in the world addresses this issue.

The Gita, written 5,000 years ago, addresses the Arjuns of today: dynamic, ambitious young adults seeking excellence. It prescribes the formula for success.

Do you feel deprived or blessed? 
Are you driven by deficiency motivation? 
Then, you are bored, which leads to frustration and failure. 
When you are deeply grateful for the abundance you have been gifted with, you develop the irresistible urge to give, contribute, and add value to people. You become creative, motivated, and successful. 
Abundance is a state of mind unconnected with material assets. 
Sudama was a pauper but always felt abundant. 
The richest man may feel deprived.

Identify your passion, talent, or gift. Set a higher goal in that field. 
Work in a spirit of service and sacrifice for that ideal. Selfish action leads to mediocrity. 
The thought of self is the greatest obstacle to success. The world’s achievers had a vision beyond mere personal profit and glory. Don Bradman did not play cricket for money. Ustad Bismillah Khan played the shehnai for the sheer love of it. Einstein was dedicated to Physics.

When your attention shifts from the world to the Beyond, you perform selfless action. Eric Liddell, the outstanding athlete nicknamed the ‘flying Scotsman’, won the Olympic Gold against all odds. His motto was – God made me to run, and I will run for the Divine. When asked how he ran the 400m so fast, his answer was simple. He said – I run the first 200m as fast as I can. God enables me to run the balance 200m.

Action is under your command. Fruit is dependent on factors beyond your influence. Dependence on the fruit makes you a slave to the world. A century in cricket or a promotion at work is not under your control. But nobody can take away the fact that you are an outstanding person. Find fulfilment in the action. Give your best to it. You gain merit. You become independent of the result, and success comes to you. Such a person is defined as a sannyasi – a person of renunciation. Not a celibate priest or one who has retired to the Himalayas.

How do you feel towards your colleagues and fellow workers? 
Does the adrenaline of competition fire your ambition or are you motivated by the soft power of togetherness and love? Love has a magical effect. You see the best in others. This motivates them to give their best and you build strong teams. Drudgery turns to revelry. A difficult task gets done in an environment of fun, laughter, and camaraderie. And happiness increases.

                              Taken from The Times of India - October 15, 2024 

If things could get done merely through words -

Today, there is no shortage of people who preach good words, good thoughts, and pure and selfless behavior...
But there is a need to apply them first to oneself!
Before telling others, apply it to yourself."
                                                 (Sadguru Baba Hardev Singh Ji)

बातों से बात बने - तो फिर बात ही क्या है

"बातों से बात बने - तो फिर बात ही क्या है। 
आज अच्छे शब्द, अच्छे विचार और शुद्ध व्यवहार की नसीहत करने वालों की कोई कमी नहीँ है...
पर ज़रुरत है पहले उनको खुद पर लागू करने की !
सुनाने से पहिले खुद भी सुनने और मानने की ज़रुरत है। "
                                                (सद्गुरु बाबा हरदेव सिंह जी)

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Friday, October 11, 2024

86400 का सूत्र -- A Formulae of 86400

एकअच्छा जीवन लम्बे जीवन से बेहतर है
A Good life is better than a long one  

Thursday, October 10, 2024

भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि - श्री रतन टाटा

                                भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि - श्री रतन टाटा 
                        जो सिर्फ नाम से ही नहीं - कर्म से भी रत्न थे 

                 एक अनुभवी उद्योगपति और जाने-माने परोपकारी व्यक्ति, 
                         जिनका कल 87 वर्ष की आयु में निधन हो गया।

                                         रतन टाटा के चंद शब्द

अगर आप तेज़ चलना चाहते हैं - तो अकेले चलें 
लेकिन अगर आप दूर तक जाना चाहते हैं - तो सबके साथ मिल के चलें।

कितनी अजीब है बात है कि हम उच्च और मशहूर ब्रांड के कपड़े पहनना चाहते हैं -
लेकिन हम पायजामे में सबसे अधिक सहज महसूस करते हैं।

हम ताज और मैरियट जैसे होटलों में अमीर और कुलीन लोगों के साथ बैठना चाहते हैं - 
लेकिन वास्तव में हमें दोस्तों के साथ सड़क के किनारे एक ढाबे पर चाय पीने में ज़्यादा आनंद मिलता है। 

हम बड़ी बड़ी कारों के मालिक बनना चाहते हैं और लंबी ड्राइव पर जाना चाहते हैं - 
लेकिन अपने दिल की बात हम केवल किसी प्रियजन के साथ एक गली में या सड़क पर चलते समय ही करते हैं।

                         इन  4 चीजों से कभी न शर्माएँ 

पुराने कपड़े - क्योंकि आपके कपड़े आपकी प्रतिभा को परिभाषित नहीं करते।

गरीब दोस्त - क्योंकि दोस्ती में कोई हैसियत और स्टैट्स नहीं देखी जाती।

वृद्ध माता-पिता - क्योंकि आज आप जो कुछ भी हैं, वह उनके कारण ही तो हैं।

सादा जीवन - क्योंकि सफलता का अंदाजा आपकी जीवनशैली से नहीं लगाया जा सकता।

उन्होंने सिर्फ़ सादगी का उपदेश ही नहीं दिया -
उन्होंने खुद भी एक पवित्र और सादा जीवन जिया।

वे हर जगह अपनी सादी जीवनशैली के लिए जाने जाते थे।

वे सिर्फ़ नाम से ही नहीं बल्कि कर्म से भी रत्न थे - जो हमेशा अपने कौशल एवं विवेक तथा धन से देश और मानवता की सेवा करते रहे। 

Don't Be Shy at 4 Things -- "RATAN TATA

            A heartfelt tribute to Sh. Ratan Tata -
A Veteran Industrialist and Well-known Philanthropist, who passed away yesterday, at the age of 87. 

                       Words of Ratan Tata

If you want to walk fast - walk alone, 
But if you wish to walk far - walk together.

How strange is it that we wish to wear high brands - 
but we feel most comfortable in pajamas. 

We wish to sit in the Taj and Marriott with elite people - 
but we enjoy roadside tea with friends.

We wish to own big cars and go on long drives - 
yet we talk our hearts out only while walking down a long road with a loved one.

              DON'T BE SHY AT 4 THINGS: 

Old Clothes - because your clothes do not define your talent. 
Poor friends - because there is no status in friendship. 
Old parents - because what you are today is because of them. 
Simple living - because success can't be judged by your lifestyle. 

He did not just preach simplicity - 
He lived a pious and simple life himself as well.
He was known for his simple lifestyle.
He was a Ratan (Gem) not just by name but also by deeds - who served the nation, people, and humanity with his skills and wealth. 

May this Noble Soul rest in eternal peace. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Essence of Mahabharat in Nine lines

The essence of five lakh verses of Mahabharat in just Nine lines:

Regardless of if you are a Hindu or from any other religion - 
here are "9 Priceless pearls" from Mahabharat that can benefit everyone:

   9 Lessons to be learned from the main characters of MahaBharat 

                      1. Kauravas 
If you do not control the unreasonable demands of your children in time, you will become helpless in life... 

                      2. Karn 
No matter how powerful you are, if you support the unrighteous - your strength, weapons, skills, and blessings will all go to waste. 

                      3. Ashwatthama
Not to make your children so ambitious that they may misuse their knowledge and cause total destruction.

                     4. Bhishma Pitamah
Never make such promises that you might have to surrender to the unrighteous...

                     5. Duryodhan
A Misuse of wealth, power, authority, and support to wrongdoers ultimately leads to complete destruction... 

                    6. Dhritarashtra
The reins of power should never be handed over to a blind person. 
Do not submit to a person - the one who is blinded by selfishness, wealth, pride, knowledge, attachment, or lust, because it will lead to destruction... 

                   7. Arjun
If there is Gyana - wisdom with knowledge, you will definitely be victorious... 

                  8. Shakuni
Deceit will not bring you success in all matters all the time... 

                 9. Yudhishthira -
If you successfully maintain morality, Dharma, and duty, no power in the world can harm you... 

                                      (Author - Unknown)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

जितना कम सामान रहेगा The less luggage you carry

जितना कम सामान रहेगा 
        सफ़र उतना आसान रहेगा 
Jitna kam Saamaan rahega 
            Safar utnaa Aasaan rahega
The less luggage you carry, 
          the easier the journey will be.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

An Inspiring Story

Lal Bahadur Shastri never told his mother that he was the Railway Minister.
He told his mother that he works in the railways.

Once, Shastri ji came to the Railway Bhawan for some program.
His mother also reached there and asked about her son -and said he also works in the railways.
People asked what is his name.
When she told the name, everyone was shocked. 
The security officer said you are lying.
But she said, "No, he has come... he works here".

Some people took her to Lal Bahadur Shastri ji and asked, "Is it him?"
She said, "Yes, he is my son".
People asked the minister, "Is she your mother?"

Shastri ji called his mother - greeted her - and sent her home - saying he had work to do.

The journalists asked, "Why did you not give a speech in the presence of your mother?"

Shastri ji  said, "My mother does not know I am a minister.

If she comes to know, she will start recommending people, and I will not be able to refuse.
Moreover, she might become arrogant."
Everyone was stunned to hear this answer.

"Millions of salutations to the selfless, truthful, honest late Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri on his birthday on 2 October. 

लाल बहादुर शास्त्री - एक प्रेरणादायक प्रसंग

लाल बहादुर शास्त्री जी ने अपनी मां को कभी नहीं बताया कि वे रेल मंत्री हैं।

उन्होंने अपनी मां को कहा था कि "मैं रेलवे में नौकरी करता हूं"।

एक बार शास्त्री जी किसी कार्यक्रम में रेलवे भवन में आए जब उनकी मां भी वहां पूछते पूछते पहुंची गई कि मेरा बेटा भी यहाँ आया है, वह भी रेलवे में नोकरी करता है।

लोगों ने पूछा क्या नाम है जब उन्होंने नाम बताया तो सब चौंक गए " सुरक्षा अधिकारी बोले आप झूठ बोल रही है"।
पर वह बोली, "नहीं वह आए हैं"।

लोगों ने उन्हें लाल बहादुर शास्त्री जी के सामने ले जाकर पूछा," क्या वही है?"
तो मां बोली "हां वह मेरा बेटा है"

लोग मंत्री जी से बोले "क्या वह आपकी मां है?"
तब शास्त्री जी ने अपनी मां को बुला कर अपने पास बिठाया और कुछ देर बाद घर भेज दिया।

तो पत्रकारों ने पूछा "आपने अपनी माँ के सामने भाषण क्यों नहीं दिया?

तो वह बोले-
"मेरी मां को नहीं पता कि मैं मंत्री हूं।
अगर उन्हें पता चल जाए तो वह लोगों की सिफारिश करने लगेगी और मैं मना भी नहीं कर पाऊंगा और उन्हें अहंकार भी हो जाएगा।"

यह जवाब सुनकर सब सन्न रह गए।

"निस्वार्थि,सच्चे, ईमानदार स्वर्गीय श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री जी के जन्म दिन 2 अक्टूबर पर शत शत नमन 

Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti

Today is October 2, and everyone is talking about Mahatma Gandhi. 
There is one more legend, born on this day, Lal Bahadur Shastri - 
India's third prime minister from 1964 to 1966 
Sh. Lal Bahadur Shastri left a rich legacy of integrity, honesty, and humility worth emulating.

The people of India remember him for his iconic slogan - 'Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ that he coined to motivate India's farmers and soldiers when India was at war with Pakistan in 1965. 

Shastri lived a simple and minimalistic life. He and his family also joined the people of India in skipping a meal for weeks in response to the US's threat to cut supplies of wheat during the Indo-Pak war. 

Here are some of the top quotes by Sh. Lal Bahadur Shastri.

"Jai Jawan Jai Kisan" (Hail the soldier, Hail the farmer).

"The preservation of freedom is not the task of soldiers alone. 
  The whole nation has to be strong."

"We believe in peace and peaceful development, not only for ourselves but for people all over the world."

"Discipline and united action are the real sources of strength for the nation."

"True democracy or the swaraj of the masses can never come through untruthful and violent means."

"The loyalty to the country comes ahead of all other loyalties. 
And this is an absolute loyalty since one cannot weigh it in terms of what one receives."

"We can win respect in the world only if we are strong internally and can banish poverty and unemployment from our country."

"The basic idea of governance, as I see it, is to hold the society together so that it can develop and march towards certain goals."

"It is most regrettable that nuclear energy is being harnessed for destructive purposes."

"We must fight for peace bravely as we fought in war."

"If I were a dictator, religion and state would be separate. I would banish religion from the political domain."

"We should stress more on the spread of education."

"We must regard agriculture as a matter of national importance."

"The strength of a nation lies in the strength of its economy."

"The rule of law should be respected so that the basic structure of our democracy is maintained."

"I am not ready to be enslaved by any power, and that is the message I want to convey."

"We must get over the hangover of the feudal mentality."

"To develop India is a collective task, not an individual effort."

"Without unity, there is no progress."

"Unity of the nation is the first requirement."

"Self-reliance is the key to true freedom."

"We must work hard and become self-reliant. 
We must build our strength from within."

"A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the society."

"Peace and development must be the overriding principle of our relations with each other."

"Simplicity is a true form of greatness."

"In the fight for freedom, truth must always prevail."

"We should not lose faith in ourselves."

"The success of democracy depends on the disciplined conduct of its citizens."

"Strength does not come from physical capacity; it comes from an indomitable will."

"To achieve victory, unity and discipline are essential."

                                  (Quotes and Information taken from the Web)

If you are on the wrong train अगर आप गलत ट्रेन में चढ़ गए हैं

If you think you are on the wrong train,                get off at the nearest station  The longer it takes you to get off  ---             ...