Saturday, September 28, 2024

Practice is the Key

Practice is the most important key to achieving the desired goals - 
Not just in the field of Music only - 
But in any field of study, work, or spirituality - or to improve life in general.

Lord Krishna also emphasized two essential points in the Bhagavad Geeta - 
Abhyaas And Vairaagya 

           "Abhyaasena Tu Kaunteya vairaagyen cha grihiyatay"
                                   (Bhagavad Geeta 6 - 35)

Abhyaas - meaning Practice 
and Vairaagya - The elimination of unnecessary wanderings of the mind - Sacrificing the sloth - lethargy and focusing on achieving the goal. 
                                                  " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Practice makes a man perfect ji, in any field

    1. Well..... Actually -- "Proper Practice makes Perfect"
      Wrong practice - or Practicing in the wrong way can actually delay our progress

  2. Proper Practice or say L(labour) U(under) C(correct) K(knowledge) go hand-in-hand n complement each other.

  3. Absolutely right, ji


Practice is the Key

Practice is the most important key to achieving the desired goals -  Not just in the field of Music only -  But in any field of study, work...