Friday, April 23, 2021

Umbrella vs Newspaper

Recently I read a story that while going to his workplace, a man bought a newspaper from a newsstand. 
Suddenly, it started to rain. He quickly unfolded the newspaper and held it over his head like an umbrella. 
Though he saved himself from getting wet, the real purpose of the newspaper was lost. 
It was wasted.

The newspaper was supposed to be read - to know about the surroundings - to learn from it.
Had he read the newspaper earlier, then he might have seen the weather forecast and taken an umbrella with him. Then he could have equipped himself better for the rain and enjoyed reading the paper, and enhanced his knowledge as well. 

Perhaps it relates to many of us too. 
Perhaps, we also want to use the Gyan in a similar way. 
Instead of pondering over it to contemplate and conceive the Gyana deep within, we use it as a means of protection from unwanted circumstances and sufferings, and for the fulfillment of worldly desires.

Just as, though it may protect from rain momentarily, the real purpose of a newspaper is different. Similarly, the real purpose of Gyana is to help us change our thought process and lifestyle and be prepared to accept the Truth as it is.                          


  1. Always a good thing to be reminded of. Thanks!

  2. Lucky are those few persons who understand in time, the deep rooted meaning of this AND infuse it in their nerve systems resulting in rightful thoughts & be able understand/accept realities of life with a smile.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good advice. Thanks. Sorry for typo.

  5. IT needs a depth in peception. DHJ

  6. Very nice analogy, thanks uncle ji.

  7. Man always look for short term gains instead of long term..
    Thanks for such beautiful examples

  8. Once again Rajan Ji you have used a simple analogy/story to hit a very important point home. I read this post of yours this morning & I have been contemplating about it since then. I don't think I contemplate on Gyan enough instead its often just a tool for me to express my oratory skills & thus even enhance my ego!

    Thanks you for writing this blog post. I pray I can contemplate on Gyan and dig deeper.

  9. Very Beautiful ji


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