Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Promote what you like

'Promote what you like and what you love -
instead of bashing and criticizing what you don't like.

When we criticize people for their system; for what they do, then we give them also a reason to find flaws in our system as well. As they say: what goes around comes around and what you sow so shall you reap.

Every system is based upon certain beliefs. 
No system is foolproof and one can certainly find faults in every system. The concept of ‘Right and Wrong’ is (mostly) based upon each individual’s perception- according to his or her social, cultural, and religious background and education. Everyone has a right to follow his or her beliefs. 
The clash occurs when we ‘order’ others what to do and what not to do; when we demand that everyone must follow our beliefs and we try to control their day-to-day activities.

Baba Avtar Singh ji saw the reason for the clashes among individuals and groups; between cultures and religions and hatred for others on the grounds of different beliefs and lifestyles.
So, when he founded the new organization in the name of Sant Nirankari Mission, he laid down the following third principle for the mission:
“Everyone's lifestyle is according to their culture, beliefs, and family backgrounds. 
Do not hate or criticize anyone on grounds of what kind of food they eat or drink, how they dress or live their life.” 
In other words: follow your path according to your own beliefs and Gyana, the divine knowledge, but do not criticize or try to control others.

Ultimately, everyone is only responsible for their own actions and devotion - their own Bhakti and understanding of the Gyana.
Therefore, instead of constantly judging others, we should try to go deep in our own minds to contemplate and see where do we stand and how far are we in achieving our goal. 
                                                ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Dhan Nirankar.
    I wish this were to be the basis of all the different faiths in our world ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  2. Dhan Nirankar.
    I wish this were to be the basis of all the different faiths in our world ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


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