Monday, April 26, 2021

Let's not spread fear

The ultimate goal of Gyan (true knowledge) and Bhakti or devotion is to attain freedom from fear.
                      Ya mati saa gatirbhavait
As we think, so it happens - so is the outcome.             
                                                                (Ashtavakra Geeta)

However, even if we think we can not control the outcome, we can still choose what to think and what not to think.

Therefore, let's choose - not to submit to fear - nor to spread fear among others.
Collective fear is more dangerous than individual fear.

Let's choose not to participate in creating fear by forwarding every negative and depressing message we receive on social media - as many of them are false and exaggerated anyway.

Instead, choose to send prayers, hope, peace, and energy to heal the world.

                                                         'Rajan Sachdeva '


रुप सब तुम्हारे हैं और स्वयं तुम अरुप हो

      सर्वशक्तिमान निरंकार प्रभु को समर्पित तुम से है ब्रह्माण्ड तुम जगत का मूल रुप हो  रुप सब तुम्हारे हैं और स्वयं तुम अरुप हो  अनादि हो अ...