Monday, April 12, 2021

Jo Gareeb son hit Kray

Jo Gareeb son hit Kray, Dhan 'Raheem' tay log
Kahaan Sudaama Bapuro - Krishn Mitaai Jog

                                                  'Abdul Raheem'

Raheem says that they are blessed who treat the poor equally - with love and respect.
What did poor Sudama and King Krishna have in common?
Was poor Sudama worthy of Krishna's friendship?

Usually, after acquiring wealth, power, and sovereignty, people want to have relations with rich and influential people only and begin to see their old poor friends and relatives as lower and inferior to them.
They consider it an insult to keep any relationships or associations with them.
But blessed are those who do not change even after obtaining wealth and sovereignty.

What did Krishna and Sudama have in common?
Krishna had become a king now, but Sudama remained extremely poor.
Still, Krishna did not forget his old friend Sudama nor did his behavior change towards him.
Even after becoming the king, Krishna continued his old friendship and love in the same way.
He did not take pity on Sudama - considering him to be poor and helpless.
He did not send his servants to ask Sudama to sit on the doorsteps and wait for the king. 
Rather, he himself ran barefoot to the main gate to receive Sudama - brought him inside with love and respect and made him sit on his own throne. 
Then he sat on the floor in front of Sudama and washed his dust-covered muddy feet with his own hands.
This is called greatness. This is called nobility.

It is worth noting that Krishna's greatness is not from the fact that he was a Maharaja - a king.
His greatness is that despite being a king, he embraced his poor old friend in front of everyone with no shame or embarrassment. 
He placed him on a high throne and in no way tried to show off his royalty and aristocracy  - nor he let Sudama feel his smallness in any way.
He helped him with money and everything but did not make it look like an act of pity or favor to him in any way.

Krishna's greatness is not even in the fact that he is the Jagat-guru or has millions of followers.
Rather it is that even though Arjun became his disciple after the Geeta-Updesh (sermon), Krishna still became his charioteer.
He did not consider his insult to become the charioteer of his own disciple.

Krishna, not only explained the deep ideologies of Samkhya and Yoga - including Jnana and Bhakti Yoga through the Bhagavad Geeta, he also taught Karma Yoga to the world by his own karma; action - with modesty, and humility.
                                   'Rajan Sachdeva'

1 comment:

  1. 😊🙏❤ there is also one more thing, they also shared the same Guru I believe or one of the same Gurus.

    Lord Krishna Ji showed his greatness by giving him the respect also as a Gurubhai if I am not mistaken 🙏


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