Monday, March 10, 2025

Roop sab Tumhaaray hain (All forms are of Formless)

        In dedication to Almighty Nirankar (Formless)

Tum say hai Brahmaand Tum jagat ka Mool-Roop ho 
Roop sab Tumhaaray hain aur Svayan Tum Aroop ho 

Anaadi ho Anant ho - Achhed ho Abhed ho 
Achal ho Avichal ho Tum Ajeya ho Anoop ho 

Niraakaar roop mein Nirgun ho Nirvikaar ho 
Jagat kay kan kan mein Tum Saakaar ka Pratiroop ho 

Aankh jab khulay to Tum hee Tum nazar aao mujhay 
Band aankhon mein basaa hardam Tumhaara Roop ho 

Tum say hee jeevan hai mera Tum mera Aadhaar ho 
Saath rehtay ho hamesha Chhaon ho ya Dhoop ho 

'Rajan' kee hai praarthna jeevan kay Antim Svaas tak 
Dhyaan Aap ka ho - Soch Aap kay Anuroop ho 
                 " Rajan Sachdeva "

                                            English Translation

You are the Universe; you are the very essence of existence.
All forms are yours -  yet You - Yourself are formless.

You are eternal, infinite, indivisible, and beyond all dualities.
Unshakable, Unwavering, Unconquerable, and Incomparable. 

In the formless state, you are beyond attributes and untouched by change.
Yet, in every particle of the universe, you manifest as the embodiment of form.

When my eyes open, may I see only you - everywhere.
And in the depth of my closed eyes, may your presence always dwell within.

My life exists because of you; you are my source - my foundation.
You always stay with me, whether it is shade or light.

Rajan's earnest prayer is that until the very last breath of my life, 
My mind stays focused on You, and my thoughts remain aligned with You."

                 " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Bahut hee Uttam Rachana.Expressed Feelings and prayer of a dedicated

  3. Very nice ji 👍🎊👌🙏🙏

  4. If words could come close to describing the Absolute, they would be like those in this wonderful poem. Than you Ji. 🙏🏼


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