Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Ram Nam Sukh det hai -- Ram's Name is always Blissful

            Ram Nam Sukh det hai - Reejh Bhjo ya Kheejh
            Jyon Dharti mein ugavai  ultaa Seedha Beej 

The Name of Ram – The name of Hari, Ishwar, or Prabhu, 
however it is taken, is always useful and blissful.
Whether someone chants it out of devotion and love, or out of compulsion –
in times of joy or in states of sorrow and despair –
The fruits of devotion are inevitably reaped.
Just as a seed, whether sown upright or upside down in the soil,
When the time comes, it naturally sprouts and bears fruit. 
                                            " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Rev. Rajan Jì. Thanks very much for sharing this wonderful message Jì.

  2. What a wonderful framework for understanding the importance of remembrance of God. Because we are temporary beings living in an unstable world , it is natural that we experience many ups and downs in our life. One day may contain all the pleasures and bliss our minds desire, yet another day can feel like rock bottom. We should ensure that this beautiful "Name of God" is not only said in certain stages of our unstable lives. Consistency is the precondition to ensure that the seed of God's name sprouts and bears fruit.

    I completely agree with you Rajan Sachdeva Ji that this name can be called in times of happiness, devotion, compulsion or even sorrow or despair, however it must be done consistently in all times. We must chant His name in the ups and the downs. Those who only remember God when they need His help and forget Him when things are going according to their desires may find that their source of happiness is flawed.

    God is ALWAYS with us, but lets make sure we are ALWAYS with God.

    Thank you so much for sharing such an important lesson.

    1. Thank you Damandeep ji for your great input on this topic.

  3. 🙏🙏 Nicely explained and commented upon. Thanks to Rev Rajan ji and Daman Deep ji.🙏JK

  4. Sewa Mei do bale , ek sant ek Ram ,
    Ram hai Datta Mukti ke , Sant Japaye Nam


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