Friday, January 3, 2025

Naya Puraana Saal -- Review of old and the New Year

Ye jaatay huye puranay saal kee Naseehat bhi Tum ho 
Aur aanay waalay har ik saal kee Zarurat bhi Tum ho 

Ki jo Taufeeq rakhtay hain banaa len resolution vo 
Main ik adnaa saa banda hoon - meri haiseeyat bhi Tum ho 

Siraf kuchh khaas din aur pal Muqaddas maantay hain log  (Auspichious) 
Magar meray liye har kaam ka muhoorat bhi Tum ho 

Nazar aata hai jo vo sab tumhaaraa roop hee to hai 
Chhupi rehti hai jo parday mein vo Haqeeqat bhi Tum ho 

Jisay kehtay hain Mithyaa vo bhi Tera Aqs hee to hai 
Jagat Maaya hai lekin Maaya ki Asleeyat bhi Tum ho 

Tumharay Noor say raushan hai khalqat ka har ik zarra 
Tumhin Khaaliq bhi ho qaadir bhi ho aur qudarat bhi Tum ho

Tumheen say hee shuru ho kar tumheen par khatm ho jaaye 
Tumheen Aagaaz ho khalqat ka aur qayaamat bhi Tum ho

Meri duniya Tumhin say hai - Tumhin ho mera mustaqbil    (Future) 
Meray is Lok aur Parlok kee Ehmeeyat bhi Tum ho               (importance) 

Tumhin ho hamsafar meray - Tumhin ho hamnavaa meray 
Meri daulat bhee tum hee ho meri vaseeyat bhi Tum ho

Ye ilm-o-fun, ye zehaanat - sabhi Teri inaayat hain           (Talent, Wisdom) 
Meri Fitrat, mera kirdaar, meri qayaadat bhi Tum ho           (Guidance) 

Sakoon-e-dil Tumhin say hai Tumhin dil ka Sahaara ho 
Meri Azamat Tumhin say hai - meri Masarrat bhi Tum ho 

Teri Rehmat say hee to kat rahi hai zindgi Saahiba' 
Har ik mushkil ka hal bhi tum, dukhon mein raahat bhi Tum ho

Tumharay karam say hee zindgi hai khushnuma 'Rajan'
Meri Manzil bhee Tum hee ho meri Aqeedat bhi Tum ho
                      " Rajan Sachdeva "

Note --- By "Tum" I mean Almighty Nirankaar 

Naseehat            = Advice
Taufeeq              = Capacity, Capability, 
Adanaa               = Ordinary, Insignificant 
Haisiyat             = Worth, Capability, Status, Position, etc.
Muqaddas         = Auspicious
Aqs                      = Image
Khalqat              = Universe
Aagaaz               = Beginning 
Qayaamat          = End, Dooms day
Mustaqbil          = Future 
Ehmiyat             = importance
Ilm                      = knowledge, Wisdom 
Fun                     = Talent
Zehaanat           =  Thought, Intelligence, Understanding
Qayaadat           = Guidance, Leadership 
Azmat                 = Respect, Prestige, Significance, Honor, Glory, etc.
Masarrat            = Happiness
Aqeedat              =  Faith, Reverence, Deep Devotion

                                English Translation
You are the wisdom of the departing year,
And the need of every year to come.

Those who possess the strength can make resolutions,
I am but a humble being — my worth is only in You.

Some consider only special days and moments to be sacred,
But for me, every act's auspiciousness is You.

Everything visible is but Your form,
And the Truth hidden behind the veil is also You.

Even what is called Maya, an illusion - is a reflection of You,
The world is Maya indeed - but the essence of Maya is also You.

Every atom of creation shines with Your light,
You are the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Nature as well.

You are the Beginning - You are the ending,
You are the origin of creation and the end of times.

My world exists because of You — my destiny is also You,
The significance of both this world and the hereafter is also You.

You are my companion — You are my confidant,
You are my wealth, and my inheritance is You.

This knowledge, art, and intellect — all are Your blessings,
My nature, my character, my guidance — all are from You.

The peace of mind comes from You; You are my heart’s support,
My honor comes from You - (whatever I am, is due to You) my joy is also You. 

It is Your mercy that carries my life onward, my Lord,
You are the solution to every trouble and the solace in sorrow.

By Your grace, life is beautiful, says Rajan 
You are my destination and my deepest devotion is You.

 ("Tum" is addressed towards Almighty Nirankaar)


  1. Beautiful lines- Regards Naveen


  2. Nazar aata hai jo vo sab tumhaaraa roop hee to hai
    Chhupi rehti hai jo parday mein vo Haqeeqat bhi Tum ho

    bahut hi barhiya Sir
    charan vandanaa🙇‍♀️🙏

  3. An elegant, intimate and heartfelt invocation to Almighty Nirankar 🙏🏼
    Thank you Rajan Ji.

  4. Beautifully said. 🙏

  5. Beautiful poem❤️❤️🙏


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