Friday, June 8, 2018

One Cannot Serve Two Masters.

Bhagavad Geeta does not say to renounce the world. 
But it certainly says to move slowly towards that moment when one will have to renounce 
the world and take refuse in the Self or Brahm - God.
        Sarvay dharmaan prityajaya - Maamekam sharanam braj
"Renounce all Dharmas: beliefs, rituals, and duties etc. and take refuse in Me".
Eventually, one has to renounce the world - not by leaving the world and going to forests 
or on mountains - but by abandoning all worldly desires and moving towards the goal by 
thinking beyond the body. 
Jesus also said that one cannot serve two masters.
We have to let go of one in order to serve the other.
                                ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

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