Sunday, June 24, 2018

Life is a Combination of ....

                        What is Life

It’s a combination of days and nights
Some love and some fights
Some wrongs and some rights
Some good times & some tights

Some bits and some bites
Some trenches and some heights
Some dark and scary nights
Sometimes full of lights

It’s not one or the other
But both, a combination
No warranty whatsoever
Nor any expectation

And how we handle it, is our ability
To accept it with regrets or Serenity


रहिमन ओछे नरन स्यों वैर भला न प्रीत

                रहिमन ओछे नरन स्यों वैर भला न प्रीत                 काटे चाटे स्वान के दोउ भांति विपरीत रहीम कहते हैं कि ओछे लोगों से न वैर ...