Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The competitors

Your competitors can copy your work
    - your style
          - your product.

But no one can copy your Passion - 
      your vigor  -
                 - your devotion.

Therefore - Keep your passion and vigor alive. 


  1. With holiday season it reminds us ladies over and over again that you can copy your favorite recipes but the food made with all that love by your mother and close ones can never be reproduced 😰🙌😍🙏🙏🙏


Course of Karma cannot be Averted - Avashyamev Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma

AvashyaMeva Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma Shubhaashubham Na Bhuktam Kshiyate Karma Janma Koti Shatairapi                                       Shi...