Sunday, May 24, 2020

What is Collective Karma

Some people have asked what is 'Collective Karma', and how can it affect the individuals?
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We think that we are individual beings, but we are not. 
We are a part of the whole. 
Therefore we are affected by the Karmas of others as well.
If a tree shakes with the wind, then it's branches and leaves will also shake with it. 
Even though each leaf is an individual unit, yet, it can not have its own choice. 
It can not stay stable - steady and stationary when the rest of the tree is shaking. 

If one person gets sick, the whole family gets affected. The other members of the house also have to make some adjustments. Their routine and plans get disturbed. They also have to share the pain of their loved ones.  

Even though we have our own identities, yet, we are part of society. We are a part of nature.
We impact everything around us - and everything around us has an impact on us as well. 

Similarly, on the deep and subtle level also, we share the Karmas of others - our loved ones and the opponents as well - those who are close to us and those who may be far away. 
Just like a wave is a part of the vast ocean, and it gets affected by deeper and farther ocean currents, we being a part of the whole also get affected by other Karmas. 
But, nevertheless, our own Karmas have a much stronger bearing on our destiny. 
                                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Dhan nirankar uncle ji! Nicely reminds me that, to be successful all things (karmas) should be right. And only one thing (i.e. bad karma) is sufficient enough for a failure.


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